Because we know there are a lot of different ways to get here, we thought we would try and help to narrow it down a bit. Click on the link below to find information on your choice of transportation. The information for getting here by car is located on our page dedicated to the daring at heart. Be sure to check there even if you are not planning on driving as it contains the information for what you need and should expect when entering Mexico.

Please understand that the information is GENERAL. You will need to check with airlines, hotels, or tour groups to find out exact up-to-date information on pricing and schedules. Most major airlines now even have their own web pages which allow you to check schedules and prices on your own.

Here you can find the distance between Mazatlan and other cities of Mexico

traveling to Mazatlan, buses to Mazatlan, travel mazatlan, traveling to Mazatlan, buses to Mazatlan, travel mazatlan, traveling to Mazatlan, buses to Mazatlan, travel mazatlan, traveling to Mazatlan, buses to Mazatlan, travel mazatlan

Mexico has much more competition among long distance bus lines than other transportation providers. Of the lines that serve Highway 15 from Mazatlan south to Guadalajara and Mexico City, and north to Nogales and Tijuana, Elite is the preferred line. Fares on Elite are within one or two pesos of fares on competing lines, and the buses are generally cleaner, newer, and more comfortable. In Mazatlan Call Elite at 981-38-11 for information. For service east of Mazatlan on Highway 40 to Durango and Monterrey, Chihuahuense lines offer departures with connections to Northeastern Mexico. You can also try these companies; Transportes del Norte 981-23-35, Transportes del Pacifico 982-05-77, and Estrellas del Pacifico 984-28-17. First class buses have on-board bathrooms, two seats on each side of the aisle for a total of 44 seats per coach, each of which is pre-assigned. The buses are also equipped with on-board video systems to show movies en-route. First class service is a step up from Greyhound service in the US and Canada. Mexico has much more competition among long distance bus lines than other transportation providers. Of the lines that serve Highway 15 from Mazatlan south to Guadalajara and Mexico City, and north to Nogales and Tijuana, Elite is the preferred line. Fares on Elite are within one or two pesos of fares on competing lines, and the buses are generally cleaner, newer, and more comfortable. In Mazatlan Call Elite at 981-38-11 for information. For service east of Mazatlan on Highway 40 to Durango and Monterrey, Chihuahuense lines offer departures with connections to Northeastern Mexico. You can also try these companies; Transportes del Norte 981-23-35, Transportes del Pacifico 982-05-77, and Estrellas del Pacifico 984-28-17. First class buses have on-board bathrooms, two seats on each side of the aisle for a total of 44 seats per coach, each of which is pre-assigned. The buses are also equipped with on-board video systems to show movies en-route. First class service is a step up from Greyhound service in the US and Canada.

Getting by: Bus - Airplane - Ferry
traveling to Mazatlan, buses to Mazatlan, travel mazatlan

traveling to Mazatlan, buses to Mazatlan, travel mazatlan traveling to Mazatlan, buses to Mazatlan, travel mazatlan traveling to Mazatlan, buses to Mazatlan, travel mazatlan traveling to Mazatlan, buses to Mazatlan, travel mazatlan