Mexico has much more competition among long distance bus lines than other transportation providers. Of the lines that serve Highway 15 from Mazatlan south to Guadalajara and Mexico City, and north to Nogales and Tijuana, Elite is the preferred line. Fares on Elite are within one or two pesos of fares on competing lines, and the buses are generally cleaner, newer, and more comfortable. In Mazatlan Call Elite at 981-38-11 for information.

      For service east of Mazatlan on Highway 40 to Durango and Monterrey, Chihuahuense lines offer departures with connections to Northeastern Mexico. You can also try these companies; Transportes del Norte 981-23-35, Transportes del Pacifico 982-05-77, and Estrellas del Pacifico 984-28-17.

     First class buses have on-board bathrooms, two seats on each side of the aisle for a total of 44 seats per coach, each of which is pre-assigned. The buses are also equipped with on-board video systems to show movies en-route. First class service is a step up from Greyhound service in the US and Canada.

     For passengers willing to spend a little more for comfort, executive class service is available on very select departures, and fares are about 50 pesos more per person. Executive class buses are the same size as first class buses, but within the coach, there are three wide seats total in each row, compared to the four seats found in first class buses. Each of these seats is equipped with a leg rest and reclines much more than first class buses, and in fact, more than most first class airplane seats. Executive buses have an on-board restroom and video movie entertainment, and each passenger receives a pillow, a snack and soft drink for the trip. Most executive bus departures are scheduled for overnight trips, and passengers can enjoy a full night's sleep easier and more comfortably than on first class buses.

     Second class buses are also available. The buses can be old coaches, and may not have bathrooms. Others are comparable to Greyhound service. However,  the fares can be as little as 20% of a 1st class ticket, and 2nd class buses may travel to cities their 1st class counterparts don't.

Tips for Bus travel in Mexico

    Overnight buses are a handy way to get the most time out of travelling. For example, if you leave Mazatlan at 10:30pm, you'll get into Guadalajara at 6:30am, hopefully full of sleep and ready to explore the city. However, it can get very, very cold at night on these buses. Bringing a blanket on board with you is advisable.

     Also, on buses heading north, plan to add about 30 minutes to your trip to include army checkpoints. At various times and at state borders, the army will stop the bus. This can include simply stopping the bus to search the luggage well for people, checking non-Mexican looking passengers for passports, or making everyone get off the bus while they search for stowaways.

Comming from Arizona: Tucson to Mazatlan 22 hours.

The Cruceros bus requiring leaving from the Tucson Greyhound station is the best(You may have to change in Nogales) The trip from Nogales to Mazatlan is about 16 hours, you may have to change in Culican but good buses leave frequently for the 2 hour trip to Mazatlan..It is about $80 dollars each way. The TBC bus leaves from their own station in Tucson (on 6th street) It goes to
Culican, It is acceptable but not as nice as Cruceros. It is somewhat cheaper about $60-$70 each way.

For Links to Mexico's bus lines, Click Here.

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